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The Magic Portal of the Winter Solstice

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There are many moments. They are portals that we can step through consciously…or not.

Nature very often gives us a “heads-up” before these moments occur, such as birds taking flight before a tornado or elephants running to high ground before a tsunami.

Right now, all around us in Nature, we are seeing change. A sleepiness is overcoming the “rita” of growth and regeneration. We are moving into a time of stillness, quietude and reflection.


So that we might take a look at what has gone on before, assess where we could have, and possibly should have done better, and move with body, breath and conscious action into the next cycle as the Sun begins its ascent once again to the Summer Solstice.

On December 21, the sun external is at its lowest delineation in the sky. There, it will remain still and peaceful before it begins its ascent once again in 3 days’ time.

In the deeply mystical tradition, it is a time for deep contemplation and meditation, as well as celebration. A pause, if you like, before we get up once again and move in the direction we absolutely can chose, if we exercise free-will.

For me, it is a profoundly exciting portal. I have been rotating energy around my cerebral spine using tantra, mantra and yantra along with Kriya Vinyasa to include not only the Solstices but the Equinox’s as well, in the hope that my koshas will absorb a more harmonious patterning of self-realization.

You see, there is an internal mystical sun, as well as one up in the sky, found at the point between the eyebrows. It is a state in consciousness that any sentient being can attune to, if they are aware that they can, and have a technique they utilize regularly.

On this soul searching day of potentiality, I wish you peace, harmony and above all lots of love.

In the Kriya Dharma


Camella has a work book and soon to be released DVD on Kriya Vinyasa. She will be presenting a class at the Sedona Yoga Festival in February and training teachers in March. For details check out her website:

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